
Saturday, January 25, 2014

John and James

Here are pictures of John and James during our tour of Jeddah last night. John grew up in Lowell, MA and says he hates the driving here. We all know he secretly loves it because it reminds him of home.
James is just trying to survive the ride.

It's a real challenge to drive over here. Some drivers are very aggressive and it's common to get tail gated and passed from every direction. People think nothing of cutting right in front of you. It's really bad trying to make a left hand turn when people drive around you and cut you off so they can make the turn first. Even pedestrians are a hazard. When we were coming home last night we merged onto a three lane highway (doing better than 50 mph) and nearly plowed through a guy standing in the middle of the rightmost lane smoking a butt. If he hadn't been wearing white robes he'd be a hood ornament now. What was he thinking?!!

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